Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Youve got questions, Ive got answers

You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers I have enough of a questions backlog now that I think its worth dedicating an entry to answering them. Please, if you have questions, feel free to ask! If I cant answer them, Ill tell you so! Drew asked: Could you tell us more about what happens during Orientation? I think I pretty much understand the housing lottery now, but what else happens during Orientation? You know, to refresh my memory, I created a thread on College Confidential asking people what happens during Orientation thats useful and not Dorm Rush, and the only answer I got was from Mollie, jokingly saying You mean theres something other than Dorm Rush? Or something to that effect. Anyway, stuff that I remember The Academic Resource Center holds an event that tells freshmen about different options for their Science Core classes. Its a pretty good event. Theres CityDays, which you should already know about if youre an incoming frosh. You get to spend half a day working on community service projects around Cambridge and Boston. Theres the Presidents Convocation, where you get to hear MITs President Hockfield and the MIT Undergraduate Associations President Andrew Lukmann 07 speak. There are Orientation groups, which are little groups of freshmen led by an upperclassman (all incoming frosh are assigned to one), which often go to non-student-run Orientation activities together, and go out to eat together at least once. Theres the activities midway and the athletics midway, where you can visit booths of different student groups and sports, pick up information, and get your email address put on their mailing lists. Other upperclassmen should add to my list. Anonymous asked: Advice about HASS and HASS-D classes? This is going to vary, because different people have different HASS interests. If possible, Id say take something thats both a HASS-D and a CI-H first term, and kill two birds with one stone. Anonymous asked: A lot of my friends got into great universities, but ended up attending local community colleges because they simply couldnt afford a four-year college (apparently the universities thought otherwise and calculated unrealistically high expected contributions for their families). How can a student of extremely limited resources procure the funds to attend MIT? Could you please discuss the type of jobs available for freshmen (and other students)on campus and other things MIT students do to afford college. Does MIT offer sholarships to students who have demonstrated exceptional academic merit? Thank you. MIT gives only need-based aid, no merit aid. It meets 100% of demonstrated need. However, there are numerous outside organizations that give scholarships for everything from exceptional academic merit to female computer science majors to left-handed people. Try Googling for scholarships, and reading Daniels blog for more info about MIT financial aid. Also, look into the ROTC program for many students, this is a great way to make MIT affordable. Sriram asked: i think u remember me,i sent u comment a month back but i have no replies iam wondering why i think u feel very much harder to accept persons like me outside ur community as a member or as friend or there may be other reasons for u to not even sending a reply ok doesnt matter atleast now can u identify me. please atleast now send me reply from miles away sriram a student from India Sriram, Im not quite sure what you want. If theres something MIT-related that you want to ask or chat about, feel free to contact me. Im certainly not averse to talking with my readers or even making friends with them, though in my opinion it is generally easier to make friends with someone you know in person. Christine asked: Hey Jessie, I have a question for you. How was your experience like with being on crew for a year? Did you like being on a varsity sport? Did it take up more of your time than you wanted? Why did you quit? I guess thats more than one question, but theyre all related. Ill be a freshman next year and am currently on the fence about whether or not I want to do a varsity sport come fall (and yes, crew is one of the options Im pondering). I did like being on crew, but there were other activities I liked more, or was interested in, and I quit because I wanted the extra 15 or so hours a week to pursue those other pursuits. Crew is a great sport to do if you really, really enjoy it and make it a top priority, but if not, its kind of a time sink. In my opinion, of course. I think most of the other varsity sports require a little less of this needs to be your top priority, but they are substantial committments. Erer asked: I noticed in the admissions stats that because of the high number of men who apply (and the low number of women) and the roughly equal numbers of men and women who are admitted that its much easier to go to MIT applying as a female. So I have to as, as a female, are women as well prepared as the boys, to they do as well, do they sign up for science courses or are they thought to be there to fill seats in the humanities courses, are they taken as seriously as the boys, do they graduate in the sciences at the same rate as the boys? Have to ask. While I can understand wondering about the admissions rates, Im kind of astounded that anyone would doubt even for a second that women at MIT sign up for science courses, or think that they are just there to fill seats in humanities courses. Last year, at the undergraduate level, 36% of engineering majors and 51% of science majors at MIT were women (as were 51% of humanities, arts, and social sciences majors, 50% of management majors, and 64% of urban studies and planning majors). I cant find actual numbers, but I think the graduation rates for men and women at MIT are very similar. And female students are very much taken seriously honestly, I see a lot more sexism in the outside world (including among prospective MIT applicants) than I do within the MIT undergraduate community. I think youre overlooking the fact that female applicants to MIT are an extremely self-selected group, which contributes to their higher admissions rate. I believe that Ben has some stats on this. In short, dont worry, people will take you seriously here if you get in. :) Anonymous asks: I read your thread on CC about the problem with just looking at stats. Its a wonderful post, but I have a question. Do you have to get a high score on standerized testings? I love to work. Im a hard worker. But Im not so smart when it comes to these tests. I saw the average scores on Matts Blog. What if youre not in that range? Is it hopeless for you? MIT is my dream, but Im afraid that I wont be considered as a worthy applicant because of my scores. Thank you for taking the time to read this. The funny thing about average scores of a class is that by definition, some percentage of the class is below that average, and most likely, close to half is below that average (Im assuming that average means arithmetic mean here if its the median, than by definition half the class is below the average). If youre really far out of range, you might consider retaking the tests, but for the most part, if your application is strong, weaker test scores than the average accepted MIT student wont hurt you. And, not really a question, but, from Little Miss Demosthenes i noticed you have one comment, but your blog still lists that as comments. ive always been upset with blogs that dont bother adding a few lines of code to separate between 1 and the rest of the postive integers. just trying to rectify a grammar error. actually, i just wanted to make a new friend. Well, hello. Nice to meet you. :) I enjoy seeing that people are actually reading this thing. You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers Wow. You guys asked some hard questions! And a lot of them. No worries though, Ive transcribed here every question someone asked me, (unless they specifically asked I not post about it) and my best answer. If you dont see your question or if you have another one, feel free to email me and Ill get to it when I can. Please put Question about MIT in the subject line (it helps Google sort my mail). Read through, enjoy, and soak up all the trivial goodness that is: QA Are MIT students very stylish or are jeans and a sweatshirt a common outfit? There is a huge variety in what people wear to class and to what extent people care about how they look. (Specifically this number is 5.77 X 10^65, its calculated using an arbitrary combination of color choices and the amount spent on clothing vs. time spent getting ready in the morning. This is known as GQs constant*) Personally, I like fashion, and I usually wear a dress shirt, tie, slacks, and a coat to class. But thats certainly not the norm, but thats the beauty of it. There is no norm. Ive seen people wearing anything from geeky T-shirts, kilts and blue hair, to Hollister hoodies, Ug boots, and expensive jeans. Some people dress like they walked straight out of a clothing ad, and others dress like Mardi Gras vomited all over them. We have an article in our newspaper, The Tech, that talks about fashion guidelines for people interested in that stuff, but Id say that for the most part, people dress how they want to dress, there is very little pressure here to look one way or anoth er. That being said, I think no matter how much you like to look good, there will be at least one pset on one night that will coerce you into going to class the next day in sweatpants and a hoodie..not that I know from experience Are there any abnormally good looking people at MIT? Why yes I am, thank you. Seriously though, there are certainly some people here for whom every gene is apparently made of winning. Not that looking good matters. I was wondering for the question 6 in the part 2 application about the thing we created. Its quite difficult to visualize my invention only by explanation. Is there way I can send along a picture of what I created?? Do I need to contact admission office? If yes who. And for the essays I was wondering if writing humorous essays are not a disadvantage since the humor of every person is not the same especially if Im an international student? As far as I can tell you, the Admissions Office is pretty flexible about sending in supplementary materials if you feel like they help better represent you, just make sure you dont abuse that privilege. So I believe you can send in a picture of your invention, the place to send it would be the same place you send your application. For your essay, Id say write what feels natural, I cracked a few jokes in my essay and it turned out fine for me, but above all your writing should feel natural to you. If you dont normally write in a humorous manner, it may seem akward and forced, which is not how you want to appear. So the short answer is, writing a humorous essay in and of itself is not bad. If thats how you feel confident, go for it. When the cosmic battle of Catnarok takes place, who will winLongcat or Tacgnol? Definitely Tacgnol. Unless the battle takes place in a mirror, then who knows. Ceiling Cat will have to sort it out. I noticed that you are a Course 15 student. I applied EA and also want to do Course 15. I was wondering what are your favorite things about Sloan and why? To clarify, you dont actually declare a major until the end of your Freshman year. Thats partially because the large majority of freshmen will take classes that fulfill whats known as the GIRs (General Institute Requirements). The GIRs are foundation classes like Calculus, Physics, Chem, Biology etc. Ive been working hard to try and get all (or most) of my GIRs out of the way so I havent taken any strictly Course 15 (Business Management) yet. Is there anything close to a major or serious study about nanotechonology? Im really fasicanted by it and I think thats what I want to study and later do in life. Is there a majore for it? Minor? Any courses in nanotechnology? I dont think there is a specific major in nanotechnology, just because nanotech is a very diverse field. That being said we do have Nanomaterials Labratory that I believe is used by people in Course 3 (Materials Science and Engineering). Materials Science may be something youd be interested in, though really you could find applications to nanotechnology in any field you go into. Hows the humanities side of MIT? And are MIT students into politics/current events? (not worded as a question but) I hear the food is awful. 1. Humanities are awesome, I absolutely love my Intro to World Music class. Its a welcome change from the continuous stream of math and differentials in the rest of my classes. People have mixed feelings about the humanities courses and your requirement to take them, but thats more because of a personal opinion on humanities than it is the quality of the courses. 2. Some students are into Politics, some think McCain is what old people use to help them walk. I havent met too many people who are super-interested in politics, but thats not to say they dont exist. Its interesting the number of people who try and find a newspaper to subscribe to, or a podcast to watch to stay in touch with current events, because MIT is like an entire world to itself, its easy to lose touch with the real world if youre not careful. 3. I dont think its fair to say that the food is awful. There have definitely been things Ive eaten from the Dining Hall that I swear had already been eaten before, but there are also some things that are really delicious (*cough* Chicken Quesadilla *cough*) Besides, if you dont like the food from the cafeterias, there are a whole plethora of other options available to you, from delivery, to *gasp* cooking for yourself. And if you dont like the food you cook yourself, take it up with the chef. Haha, 6 is the answer to the admissions formula? Did you have some supercomputer figure that out for youperhaps with the name Deep Thought? Hey Chris, have you never seen Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?? The ulimate answer to the universe is 42, not 6! I put those two questions together because they were similar. Yes I have READ Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and undeniably the ultimate answer to the universe is 42. BUT! MIT is but one part of universe, thus it follows that it is one part of 42, one factor. As it turns out if you divide 42, the ultimate answer to the universe, by 7, the luckiest number, you get the answer to the ultimate, luckiest, place in the universe!** I was wondering if you would know the details on how you start a project to enter into an Intel fair? Do I just start randomly or do I work with another teacher to help me? I unfortunately have no idea as Ive only been impressed by projects from the Intel fair, not actually done any myself. Their official website may be able to help though, and lucky for you all you have to do is click here. everyone hears about MIT hacks, but what are some of the non-hack institutional charm elements you like? Just wondering what quirks about MIT you personally like aside from hacks. My favorite part about MIT is without a doubt the people. You get here, and at first nothing seems unusual, youre talking with people about the olympics, or TV or whatever, and then someone busts a calculus joke, and then the really surprising part happens. EVERYONE LAUGHS! At that moment, you realize that the people around you are a lot like you, there is a huge fundamental common interest among students. Sure there are people you meet who you dont like, and there are people who dont like you, but as a whole the MIT community is whats most charming to me. I also really love everyones passion, pretty much everyone is the best at something they do, and seeing those people in their elements is awesome, its humbling and inspiring to see your friends fly planes, play cellos, work on cars, design clothes, paint pictures, and write programs. MIT is a hotbed for talented individuals who are capable of producing some incredible work. how would i go about describing my passion in a way MIT admissions will understand? MIT is vastly diverse, and prides itself on being an open-minded community. That being said, I feel like essentially any medium you choose to express yourself with will be accepted. Ive known people who have made videos, wrote computer programs, put together powerpoint presentations etc. There is some fine print to that freedom though, namely you have the responsibility not to abuse it. Dont make a 80 minute documentary about yourself, and certainly dont feel like you have to do something supplementary to the application. Most of the people accepted are those who just filled out the accepted applications. For the extra space provided at the end of the application (pt 2), can we just write about an experience without explaining what were writing about at first, leaving it up to the admissions officers to read through to figure it out? Thats really a judgment call to make yourself, as long as the unorthodox format of your essay adds something to the story and doesnt take away from the readers ability to understand, I say go for it. Life favors the bold. I would like to know how classes taken as a senior affect admissions. If I applied ea, wouldnt I know if I got accepted before I know my final grades? You my friend have stumbled upon the conundrum that is the leading cause of Senioritis. You are correct, you would know the status of your acceptance before your final grades, but there is a tricky caveat known as the Mid-Year Grade Report as well as the Final Grade Report. These reports are mailed to MIT and include your grades even after youve been accepted. If all of a sudden you start doing poorly in classes, MIT can rescind your offer of admissions.(In fact, many colleges have similar policies, so no way youre getting around that). In short the answer to your question is yes, but theyre onto you. I understand what you said about not everyone being happy at MIT etc, but what can I do to get my mind off things! Any suggestions? Go camping, see a movie, have a picnic, eat lunch with someone new, play an instrument (even if youve had no training whatsoever, youre playing for yourself, not for an audience). Soak up the town and culture you live in, because regardless of where you end up going to school, it will be different than where you are right now. Eat at local restaurants, go to quirky small museums. Stop in at a hotel and go to the visitors booth to find all the cool things around where you live that you never do because you live there. Act like a tourist. Photograph everything. Listen to new music Build something (this is my favorite site for finding cool fun projects). Most of all enjoy this time of your life, senior year post college applications is an amazing, unique period of your life that youd do well to take advantage of. do you think I can send some certificates depicting that I won/participated in a regional science camp? You certainly can, though it may not be necessary. Just listing your involvement in the activities you got awards for in the appropriate section of your application is enough for the Admissions office, they believe you. How do you get to be so cool? In the interest of homeostasis, I cant really say Im that cool, but I can give you other more meaningful questions to ponder: If a tree falls on a mime in the forest, what was he doing there? Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway? Why are the alphabet letters arranged the way they are? Why does a house burn up until it burns down? The world may never know. *GQs constant has a related formula in which fashion is directly proportional to time and money, and inversely proportional to the square of homework. it is F= G[($T)]/H^2 Where $ is in dollars, T is in hours, and H is in number of sheets. The units, Dollar-hours per sheet, are known by their S.I. unit Style. **Ask me if I still agree with this during finals week.

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